πŸ€“Error Codes

Check this list of error codes to find out what they mean:

Sell transaction failed during estimations. ethBalance(22874877146044650) is less than value+maxGas(33317667679755312)

This one means you don't have enough ETH in your account to pay for gas fees. It might be that gas price is super high, and when it comes down you'll be able to transact. Otherwise you will need to fund your account with more ETH. You can check the gas price at https://etherscan.io/gastracker

Sell transaction failed during estimations. execution reverted: TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FAILED

Sadly, TRANSFER_FAILED is often due to delayed honeypot/unsellable tokens. If there is a lack of sellers, low seller count is a good indicator of scammyness.

Sell transaction failed during estimations. execution reverted: arithmetic underflow or overflow

This token is likely rugged, and you will not be able to sell it.

Copytrade transaction of transaction from wallet wallet1 failed during estimations. OriginalBuyETH = X.XX is greater than MaxOriginalBuyEth = X.X

You need to change your "Max original buy in ETH" setting to be equal or higher than your target wallet's transaction.

Last updated