©️Copy Trading

Automatically copy your favourite traders

Getting Started

Wallet addresses can be found on Etherscan.io and cryptocurrency trackers such as Dextools.io. Full Copy Trading functionality (including frontrunning) is currently only supported for Uniswap, 1inch, Shibaswap, Sushiswap and Balancer routers.

  • Find the wallet address of a trader you wish to copy.

  • Click "Copytrade" on the MoonBot home screen.

  • Click "Add Wallet or Contract".

  • Give a name to the wallet you wish to copy (max. 8 letters).

  • Paste the wallet address you wish to copy.

  • Now click the button with the Gear icon βš™οΈ to open up your copy trade settings.

Advanced Copy Trade Settings

We recommend setting up your Buy and Sell settings as above. For more info about our Other settings, keep reading. Some features may be unavailable depending on the project status; these will be marked "Coming Soon".

Note that you can only use your main MoonBot wallet to copy trade. If you have several wallets added to MoonBot, you will have to send some ETH to your main MoonBot wallet in order to let the copy trades go through.

Strict Mempool Buys/Sells: Whether to copy trade private transactions or not. When this is OFF (Default setting), MoonBot won't copytrade private transactions. When this is ON, MoonBot will copytrade private transactions.

What does this mean?

Copytrading watches the public mempool for transactions. It is able to frontrun these transactions. When your target wallet places a private transaction, we can't peek into the public mempool. So in that case, your copy trade will take place after the real trade, i.e. no front-running.

You can copy trade wallets that use private transactions, but your trades will be one block behind. To make this work, disable "front run buy/sell" and disable "strict mempool buy/sell".

Custom amount multiplier range min: This means the minimum that must be bought with a custom amount multiplier for it to go through. EG: copied wallet buys 0.1 ETH worth of a token. Your multiplier is 0.1:1, meaning that you would only buy 0.01 ETH of the token. But if your minimum buy is set at 0.02 ETH with this setting, the transaction does not go through.

Custom amount multiplier range max: As with the above, assuming you've set at 0.1:1 multiplier. If your max buy is set at 1 ETH, and the copied wallet buys 20 ETH of the token, the transaction does not go through.

Custom amount multiplier range: This is the range, AKA the ratio for the multiplier. If you choose 0.1:1 as your setting, you will trade 10% of what the copied wallet trades.

Min original ETH: The minimum trade made by the copied wallet for the trade to be copied by MoonBot.

Max original ETH: The maximum trade made by the copied wallet for the trade to be copied by MoonBot.

Custom max ETH: The maximum amount of ETH you want MoonBot to spend and if it exceeds, the trade does not go through at all.

All Set

Once you've finished choosing your desired settings, you're all done! Make sure your wallet has enough ETH to successfully carry out copy trades.

Last updated